06 41 24 96 20 of info@copywriteramsterdam.nl
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A creative with over 12 years of experience in integrated advertising and brand building. Works across a wide range of agencies and clients. Doesn’t take himself too seriously. Give me the brief, I’ll get the job done. Areas of expertise: campaigns, copywriting, payoffs, TOV guides & creative direction.
contact: +31(0)6 412 496 20 of info@copywriteramsterdam.nl | algemene voorwaarden
Vraag: Ontwikkel een kerstcommercial. Insight: Kerst draait om samenkomen, precies wat Transavia elke dag doet. Mensen samenbrengen.
‘Kerstmis 365’. Augustus of december, bij Transavia voelt het elke dag als kerst. Agency: Happify Stockholm. Creatives: Mark Goede & Fredrik Nilarp.